Finding Your Path to Strength and Meaningful Change. Find Your Mindflo.

How It All Began

Mindflo is more than just a men's retreat; it's a transformative experience born out of a deeply personal journey. Ryan Burke has spent nearly two decades as a personal trainer, working with a diverse clientele ranging from elite athletes to celebrities and everyday individuals. His career has taken him to the forefront of the wellness industry, where he has had the privilege of being the head trainer at one of the world's premier health and wellness resorts. Despite his professional accomplishments, the most rewarding experience of his career began with a phone call from his brother, Conor Burke.

Conor was at a crossroads in his life. Stuck in an unfulfilling job, his marriage crumbling, and tired of the aimlessness his career was offering him, he reached out to Ryan in a moment of desperation. Recognizing his need for intentional change, Ryan invited him to Tulum, the place he's called home for 10 years, for an unconventional but comprehensive change of pace—"we're going to train hard, meditate, do ice baths, and ride motorcycles."

Conor arrived in Tulum worn out, disheartened, but determined to make a change. Ryan was equally determined to help him rediscover his vitality and sense of purpose. Ryan poured all his knowledge, expertise, and passion into this transformation journey. They embarked on a rigorous routine that combined physical training, mindfulness practices, and the invigorating power of cold exposure therapy.



The Process

Their days quickly were filled with intense workouts designed to push Conor's limits, guided meditations to center his mind, and breath work sessions to harness his inner strength. The evenings were spent riding motorcycles along the stunning Tulum coast, a liberating experience that reignited his spirit for adventure.

Over the course of three months, Conor's transformation was nothing short of remarkable. He shed 35 pounds, rediscovered a profound connection with himself, and ignited an entrepreneurial spirit that had long been dormant. Conor is now the happiest, healthiest, and fittest he had ever been, a testament to the power of our approach.

Mindflo is built on a foundation of intensive fitness training, yoga, guided meditations, breath work, and cold exposure therapy, complemented by traditional healing ceremonies and immersive cultural experiences unique to Tulum.

Join us at Mindflo, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, physical transformation, and mental clarity. Let Tulum's serene beaches and vibrant culture be the backdrop for your own story of renewal and growth.

More About Ryan

From an out-of-shape party animal in Australia to a world-renowned fitness expert, his journey over the past two decades has been nothing short of transformative. Struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, he hit rock bottom. Through sheer determination and hard work, he lost over 60 pounds and ultimately graced the cover of Men's Fitness magazine twice, the only non-celebrity to do so. This milestone marked the beginning of his lifelong commitment to sobriety and wellness.

His career has taken him across 30 countries, where he has experimented with every facet of the health and wellness space. He has led, hosted, and participated in numerous retreats, each one a unique opportunity to learn, inspire, and motivate individuals from all walks of life. His client roster is as diverse as it is impressive, including celebrities, elite athletes, military and special forces personnel, and everyday individuals seeking profound change.

A serendipitous opportunity led him to Tulum a decade ago, where the natural beauty and vibrant culture became his home base. Working as the lead trainer at Amansala, one of the world's premier health and wellness resorts he has had the privilege of integrating his expertise into transformative programs that combine rigorous fitness, mindfulness, and holistic wellness.

Beyond physical training, his approach encompasses mental and emotional health to foster complete personal growth. His work has been featured in leading health and fitness publications, solidifying his reputation as a top-tier personal trainer and wellness coach.

Every retreat I lead is a testament to my passion for empowering others to push their limits and achieve extraordinary results. Join me at my retreats, where we'll challenge ourselves, support one another, and embark on a journey of transformation. Together, we'll unlock your potential and pave the way for a healthier, happier life.

Schedule a Personal Conversation with Ryan

Enter your information to schedule a personal conversation with Ryan. This is not a sales call or a pitch, and you won't be speaking to a "team member." It's a no-obligation, one-on-one opportunity to get your questions answered and learn more about Mindflo.

Ryan Burke headshot

Ryan Burke

Sooner or later the man you are and the man you want to be are going to meet. How that meeting goes will depend entirely on the decisions you make today.